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Sea Transport
Sea Transport

Our long term collaboration with all the shipping lines led to the establishment of our dynamic profile in the market. Currently, we handle all kinds of cargos under all trade terms: Door-to-Door, Ex-F, C & F, FOB, CIF, FAS.

Full Container Loads (FCL)
We handle (along with the issuance of the BLs) the movement of all types of closed containers (20 ‘DV, 40′ DV, 40′ High Cube, Reefer) and open-ended (20′ Open Top, 40’ Open Top, Flat Rack).

Less Container Loads (LCL) – Groupage
The transportation (import and export) of a less than full container (pallets, cartons, boxes, big bags or bulk cargo in an appropriate and secure packaging) is made on a weekly basis.